A New Dawn, A New Day

OK, so it's a sunset, but you get the picture.

Though New Bedford has remained a bustling hub of activity since sometime summer '08, I have not been there to document it. But there is a house in Fairhaven that has benefited from my absence, and my back is killin' me.

I'm glad folks are still dropping by to grind through the archives, we'll have more for you to see promptly.

That's right, we.
I say welcome to Cmiper, my new co-author. He comes loaded with a healthy backlog of New Bedfordian visual loot, and an interest in sharing it. So at least every few to few and a couple days, you'll see another snap of our seven-mile slice of heaven.

Please let us know of any photo-goings on about the area, and stay tuned for photo-strolls and events of interest to those interested.



ccmx said...

Thanks for the opportunity, I am going through some goodies for this week, will get on it shortly.

Ben said...

Nice shot!